The increase in forest land or so-called overgrowing of abandoned agricultural land in Slovenia came to an end. As in the past three years (except in 2012), the forest area decreased again in 2013. Forest area in 2013 decreased compared to 2012 by 1,093 hectares to 1,183,433 ha. Forest thus covers 58.4% of Slovenia.


Slovenia: Forest area decreased by 1,093 hectares in 2013

Oct 01, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. The increase in forest land or so-called overgrowing of abandoned agricultural land in Slovenia came to an end. As in the past three years (except in 2012), the forest area decreased again in 2013, as Slovenian Forest Service said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

Forest area in 2013 decreased compared to 2012 by 1,093 hectares to 1,183,433 ha. Forest thus covers 58.4% of Slovenia.

In 2013 the growing stock in Slovenian forest increased by 1.4% to about 342 million cubic metres. The annual increment increased by 0.9% to about 8.5 million cubic metres.

In Slovenian forest 3.9 million cubic metres of gross wood weight of removals was recorded in 2013, which is 0.3% more than in 2012; 2.2 million cubic metres of this was conifers and 1.7 million cubic metres non-conifers. The recorded cut represented 65% of the allowable cut under forest management plans.