Sweden’s gross fellings in 2013 is estimated to 86.3 million cubic metre standing volume (stem volume over bark from stump to tip). This is an increase by 1% when compared to 2012.


Sweden increased gross fellings in 2013

Jul 03, 2014. /Lesprom Network/. Sweden’s gross fellings in 2013 is estimated to 86.3 million cubic metre standing volume (stem volume over bark from stump to tip). This is an increase by 1% when compared to 2012, as Swedish Forest Agency said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

The estimates are based on industry's production of soft sawnwood and wood pulp. The total volume of roundwood used is estimated on the basis of standard requirements for various products.

Adjustments are made for stocks and imports respective exports of roundwood and chips. Statistics on wood consumption for the year 2013 are still preliminary.