


  • Founded in 1899
  • Woodworking machinery and equipment manufacturers
  • from 1 to 10 employees

Location Germany D-88213, Ravensburg, Meersburger Strasse 3

Since 1899 Bezner has developed, produced and installed high-end machines and installations in several areas. The company started as a producer of special machines for wood treatment and screens. Bezner was the first producer of waste processing installations for the recovery of valuable materials. Bezner was taken over by Mr. Heilig in 2007. The Austrian company Oswald Machinenbau started the production of wood machines in the mid-1980s. In 2010 Oswald Maschinenbau was taken over by Bezner Anlagen und Maschinenbau GmbH. Mr. Heilig made the decision to found Bezner – Oswald GmbH to focus the wood machines in one company. This new company can contribute to the tradition of Bezner and Oswald, and has built machines as well as complete lines for customers all over the world. Today the company has a wide range of wood machines and complete solutions for producing timber products and handling timber and their products. In addition Bezner Oswald is part of the Heilig group and can participate in their benefits. As we are customer driven, we think of opportunities instead of difficulties. As a result we can easily adapt to customer demands and make specials standard. Our main goal is to deliver long-term and practical solutions that guarantee the lowest downtime and the longest durability. And with our hands-on mentality, commitment and expertise we are, more than ever, in the position to accomplish our goals to the advantage of our customers.