Location Russia 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya nab, building 10, floor 45, office 15
Segezha Group is a Russian wood processing group with the largest vertically-integrated structure and a full cycle of lumbering and wood substantial transformation. The holding includes more than 60 enterprises timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry, paper packaging enterprises. The enterprises of Segezha Group are located in seven regions of Russia – Karelia, Kirov, Vologda, Rostov, Krasnoyarsk and Arkhangelsk region, Perm region and 11 countries of Europe.
Main products: paper sacks for industrial and consumer segments, sack paper, imitation greaseproof (parchment imitation), confirous sownwood, birch plywood, particle boards, MDF, glued beam / wood house.
The Group includes such companies as Segezha Packaging (Europe, Turkey, Russia), Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill, Sokol Pulp and Paper Mill, Vyatka Plywood Mill, Karelia DSP, Onega Sawmills, Segezha Sawmills, Lesosibirsky LDK, Sokol Timber Company, as well as numerous forestry enterprises.