


  • Account verified
  • Proven manufacturer
  • Forestland owner
  • 8.9 million m3fub per year
  • from 500 to 1000 employees
  • Products

    Lumber, Sawn Timber
    • Lumber
    • Sawlog
    • Rounded beam
    • Square Logs
    • Pulpwood
    • Veneer logs
    • Wood utility poles
    • Poles

Location Sweden 111 60, Stockholm, Wallingatan 2

Sveaskog is Sweden's largest forest owner with 14 percent of Sweden's forest land. The company is owned by the Swedish state and its mission is to create value from forest and land through responsible and long-term management, while at the same time contributing to Sweden's national environmental and climate goals and the global goals in Agenda 2030 being reached. Sveaskog's core business is managing and cultivating the forest as well as supplying timber, pulpwood, wood chips, biofuel, forest plants and forestry services.