The joint Pulp Integration Team worked diligently over the weekend to transition key operating and information systems to the Millar Western IT platform


Millar Western Forest Products acquires Quesnel River Pulp mill, Slave Lake Pulp mill

Millar Western Forest Products acquires Quesnel River Pulp mill, Slave Lake Pulp mill

图像: Millar Western Forest Products

Millar Western Forest Products closed acquisition of the Quesnel River Pulp mill, Slave Lake Pulp mill, related woodlands, sales and logistics teams.

The joint Pulp Integration Team worked diligently over the weekend to transition key operating and information systems to the Millar Western IT platform. The team continues to work on business systems and business process procedures with new colleagues to ensure an orderly transition.

图像: Millar Western Forest Products

Millar Western is a Canadian forest products company with more than a century of experience in business. Millar Western produces high-quality hardwood and softwood bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp (BCTMP), using controlled wood fibre certified as sourced from sustainable forest management practices.