U.S. printing-writing paper shipments decreased 4% in October 2018 compared to October 2017. Total printing-writing paper inventory levels decreased 2% from September. Imports of printing-writing papers in September increased 4% compared to September 2017 imports, while exports declined 27% compared to September 2017.


U.S. printing-writing paper shipments decreased by 4% in October

U.S. printing-writing paper shipments decreased 4% in October 2018 compared to October 2017. Total printing-writing paper inventory levels decreased 2% from September. Imports of printing-writing papers in September increased 4% compared to September 2017 imports, while exports declined 27% compared to September 2017, as the American Forest & Paper Association reported.

Inventory of uncoated free sheet (UFS) paper decreased 4% in October from September, down to the lowest inventory level in at least seven years. Shipments declined 2% year-over-year in October. Exports of UFS papers decreased 43% in September compared to September 2017, the largest decrease in at least six years.

Shipments of coated mechanical (CM) papers decreased by more than 10% year-over-year for the eighth time in 2018. Imports of CM increased 7% year-over-year in September.

U.S. purchases of coated free sheet (CFS) paper in October increased for the first time since June 2017. Meanwhile, U.S. purchases of uncoated mechanical (UM) papers decreased 10% year-over-year in October. September imports of CFS papers increased 17% compared to September 2017, while imports of UM papers decreased 3% compared to last September.

The American Forest & Paper Association serves to advance a sustainable U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and wood products manufacturing industry through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy.