What are response rate and response time and how are they calculated?

Response rate and response time measure how quickly and consistently company's representatives respond to requests. You can find response rate in your trade offers on marketplace. Supplier's response time gives buyers an idea of how quickly they will hear from supplier.

Response rate

Company's response rate is the percentage of new requests company responded to (by either accepting or declining) within 24 hours in the past 30 days. If the buyer sends you a supply request, you’ll need to accept or decline within 24 hours to maintain your response rate.

Improving response rate

To improve response rate and response time, do the following as soon as you can within 24 hours of receiving a supply request: 

- Accept or decline supply request;

- Reply to new messages from buyers.

Responses after 24 hours count as a late response, which will decrease your response rate and increase your response time. Your response rate can impact your position in search results.

Response time

Your response time is the average amount of time that it took for you to respond to all new requests in the past 30 days.

Improving response time

To improve response rate and response time, do the following as soon as you can within 24 hours of receiving a supply request: 

- Accept or decline supply request;

- Reply to new messages from buyers.

Responses after 24 hours count as a late response, which will decrease your response rate and increase your response time. Your response rate can impact your position in search results.

More info

If you’ve received fewer than 10 new requests and messages in the past 30 days, your response rate and response time will be based on the 10 most recent requests and messages from the past 90 days.
