Roundwood removals decreased last year, totalling 69 million cubic metres. Log removals decreased by 9% and pulpwood removals by 8%.


Finland's roundwood removals decreased in 2023

Finland"s roundwood removals decreased in 2023

Bild: Depositphotos

In Finland, a total of 58.6 million cubic metres of roundwood were harvested for use by the forest industries in 2023. Removals decreasing by 5.4 million cubic metres from last year and being 9% below the average level of the previous five years. Spruce log removals dropped by 14%, while pine log removals decreased only by 3%, as the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) reported.

The majority (80%) of roundwood removals came from non-industrial private forests, totalling 46.6 million cubic metres of industrial roundwood, showing a decrease of 11% from the previous year.

Roundwood removals from forests owned by the state and forest industry companies increased by 3% from the previous year to 12.0 million cubic metres.

Log removals were 26.0 million and pulpwood removals 32.6 million cubic metres.

Of the wood species, pine was harvested most for industrial use, 27.1 million cubic metres. Spruce removals were 22.4, and birch removals 9.0 million cubic metres.

Energywood removals totalled 5.5 million cubic metres, being 21% less than in the year before. Of energy wood removals, with delimbed stems and whole trees comprising 59% of this amount.