4. Russian Ministry of natural resources published the new edition of the Forest Code.

New edition of Forest Code published by the Ministry of natural resources

Nov 23, 2004. /Lesprom Network/. Russian Ministry of natural resources published the new edition of the Forest Code.


Below you can find the contents of the new edition of the Forest Code.


Main part.


Section 1. Main points

Section 2. Ownership rights of forest lands and the forests that don’t form part of the national forest reserve, other rights of forest usage

Section 3. State control and forest management, protection and reforestation

Section 4. The usage, protection of forests and reforestation in the national forest reserve and other forest lands that do not form part of the reserve, as well as plain lands of the forest reserve.

Section 5. Payment for forest usage and the expenses on forest usage.

Section 6. The settling of the disagreements in forest usage, protection and reforestation, responsibility for the violation of Russian forest legislation.

Section 7. The peculiarities of the usage of forest lands that do not form part of the national forest reserve or shrubbery