The notified area of final felling in Sweden continued to rise in December, with an increase by 16% compared to the same month last year. In the region Central Sweden, the December figures were the highest in over 10 years.


Swedish Forest Agency: The notified area of final felling increased by 16% in December

The notified area of final felling in Sweden continued to rise in December, with an increase by 16% compared to the same month last year. In the region Central Sweden, the December figures were the highest in over 10 years, according to the latest monthly statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency.

The total area of notified area of final felling in the whole country amounted to 23, 360 hectares. In the region North of Sweden the notified area of final felling increased by 32% to 4,527 hectares. The corresponding figures in the region South of Northern Sweden the notified area increased marginally by 1% and amounted to 5, 502 hectares.

The notified area of final felling in the region Central Sweden increased by 23% and amounted to 6,386 hectares and it is the highest monthly recorded data for December since 2007. In the region South of Sweden, the notified area of final increased by 15% and amounted to 6,946 hectares. This is also the highest monthly recorded data for December since 2007

On county level, the notified area of final felling increased in 17 of 21 counties. The largest increase was in Stockholm County by 93%, in Gävleborg County by 63% and increased in Västerbotten County by 58%.

There was a decline in notified area of final felling in Jämtland County by 40% and in Skåne County by 18%.