Affiliates of The Lyme Timber Company LP “Lyme” closed on approximately 46,900 acres of timberlands in southeastern Tennessee and northern Alabama adjacent to the Emory River and Brimstone properties owned by affiliates of Lyme.


Affiliates of The Lyme Timber Company acquire approximately 49,600 acres of timberland in Tennessee and Alabama

Affiliates of The Lyme Timber Company LP “Lyme” closed on approximately 46,900 acres of timberlands in southeastern Tennessee and northern Alabama adjacent to the Emory River and Brimstone properties owned by affiliates of Lyme. 

This diverse, natural Appalachian hardwood property has an established log yard and accesses robust local markets. A forest carbon sequestration project is underway, and Lyme expects to maintain certification for this property under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) program. 

An earlier Lyme fund established an operating company, the Straight Fork Timber Company, Inc., now Straight Fork Forest Management LLC (“Straight Fork”). Straight Fork, based in Huntsville, Tennessee, has unique expertise in log merchandizing and marketing, and it manages the three properties.