In July 2019, the value of Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 4.4% compared to July 2018, from $213.9 million to $223.3 million.


Brazilian exports of wood-based products increased by 4.4% in July

In July 2019, the value of Brazilian exports of wood-based products (except pulp and paper) increased 4.4% compared to July 2018, from $213.9 million to $223.3 million, as ITTO reported. 

The value of pine sawnwood exports declined 9.4% in July this year compared to a year earlier (July 2018, $41.7 million and July 2019, $37.8 million). However, in terms of volume exports increased 17% over the same period, from 163,400 cubic metres to 190,900 cubic metres. 

In contrast, the volume of tropical sawnwood exports increased almost 50% from 0,800 cubic metres in July 2018 to 46,100 cubic metres in July 2019. In value, exports increased 27% from $13.7 million to $17.4 million over the same period. 

The value of pine plywood exports fell 35% in July 2019 in comparison with July 2018, from $47.7 million to $30.8 million and export volumes also fell from 136,200 cubic metres in July 2018 to 129,000 cubic metres in July 2019. 

Tropical plywood exports declined in volume (-29%) and in value (-37%), from 11,600 cubic metres ($5.1 million) in July 2018 to 8,200 cubic metres ($3.2 million) in July 2019. 

The same negative result was seen for wooden furniture exports which fell from $48.3 million in July 2018 to $45.5 million in July 2019,an almost 6% drop.