In a new report, the Forest Practices Board (Canada) recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land.


Forest Practices Board recommends new planning process for forestry in British Columbia, Canada

In a new report, the Forest Practices Board (Canada) recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land.

“For more than 20 years, the board has called for improved planning and objectives at the landscape and watershed scales,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Recent board work has confirmed that forest stewardship plans, despite considerable energy and effort to develop and approve, do not address the need for planning for multiple forest values across the landscape.”

The board recommends a planning process that takes broad objectives from land-use plans and translates them into a plan for achieving the desired future forest on a specific area of land.

“The need for landscape-level planning is more critical now than at any time in the past, as forest resources are increasingly affected by the cumulative effects of multiple developments and natural disturbances due to climate change,” said Kriese.

Currently, government is consulting with the public on potential amendments to the Forest and Range Practices Act. The board recommends that the amendments include a requirement for tactical forest plans throughout the province.

The Forest Practices Board is B.C.’s independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices, reporting its findings and recommendations directly to the public and government.