Koskisen will carry out an investment in Kärkölä, Finland, worth Euro 48 million, with production scheduled to start up in summer 2023. The new unit’s annual production will initially be 400,000 m3 of softwood sawn timber.


Koskisen to build Euro 48 million wood processing unit in Finland

Koskisen to build Euro 48 million wood processing unit in Finland

Koskisen will carry out an investment in Kärkölä, Finland, worth Euro 48 million, with production scheduled to start up in summer 2023. The new unit’s annual production will initially be 400,000 m3 of softwood sawn timber. The investment will increase the company’s annual net sales by tens of millions of Euro, a significant share of which will come from export revenues. The employment impact during the construction phase is estimated at approximately 70 person-years.

“This investment is the largest in the company’s history and extremely significant strategically speaking. The new production line, coupled with our major processing capacity, makes Koskisen’s Sawn Timber Industry one of the most competitive players in its field, with one of the highest degrees of further processing,” says Koskisen Group’s CEO Jukka Pahta.

The starting point for Koskisen’s integrated mechanical wood processing operations in Järvelä is high eco-efficiency and the highest possible utilisation of the wood material. The investment project will involve moving the sawmilling operations from the centre of Järvelä to the sawn timber finishing and further processing operations, 4 kilometres away from the current location. This will create synergies in production and significantly reduce the emissions from the sawmill’s internal logistics.

“The new production line will increase sawmilling productivity by up to 40% and enable the utilisation of a broader range of log diameters. This will allow us to offer our customers new products, and the wood raw material can be used even more effectively for end products that store carbon for a long time,” explains Koskisen Sawn Timber Industry Director Tommi Sneck.

The sawmill and panel industry leader Koskisen is a Finnish family-owned company. Koskisen’s production facilities in Järvelä form Finland’s biggest mechanical wood processing integrate, where almost 100% of the wood raw material is used in its own processes.