Södra is now taking a further step in facilitating construction through the delivery of fully pre-painted panels that can be fitted all year round, which adds considerable flexibility to the construction process.


Södra launches pre-painted exterior cladding

Södra is now taking a further step in facilitating construction through the delivery of fully pre-painted panels that can be fitted all year round, which adds considerable flexibility to the construction process, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

“We have developed the ECO365 system, which allows facade panels to be mounted instead of being fitted using nails or screws. This means that the panels can be fully painted prior to mounting. Normally, a final coat would to be applied to cover nails or screws. The panels achieve a high quality standard since they are painted indoors under optimal conditions and, moreover, the paint finish has a warranty,” said Lars Broström from Södra Wood’s project department.

Södra’s range already includes primed and undercoated cladding as well as cladding finished with a primer or colour undercoat for which the final coat is applied when the panels have been installed.

“We are seeing a changing market where builders and end-consumers want more processed products that simplify work and save time. The increasing demand reflects greater awareness of long-term sustainability and the fact that wood is also an aesthetically pleasing material. To meet demand, we have geared up our efforts with painted exterior cladding and are expanding our range this autumn to include pre-painted panels with five different finishes,” said Lars Broström.