CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of the Surteco Group SE, Dr.-Ing. Herbert Müller, has asked the Supervisory Board to prematurely terminate his service agreement expiring on 30 June 2021 in the course of 2019. The Supervisory Board complied with this request.


Surteco Group's CEO resigns

CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of the Surteco Group SE, Dr.-Ing. Herbert Müller, has asked the Supervisory Board to prematurely terminate his service agreement expiring on 30 June 2021 in the course of 2019. The Supervisory Board complied with this request at its meeting on 19 December 2018, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

In its meeting, the Supervisory Board of the Company approved the execution of a service agreement as director with Mr. Wolfgang Moyses, MBA. Mr. Moyses is currently Chairman of the Executive Board of Simona Aktiengesellschaft, Kirn, and member of the Supervisory Board of Surteco Group SE. He is to be appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of Surteco Group SE with effect from 1 November 2019 or, if possible, from an earlier date for a term of office of five years. Mr. Moyses will resign from his office of a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company prior to the beginning of his term of office as Chairman of the Executive Board.