The production of Scots pine increased by almost 8% in 2018 compared to the previous year. In total 384 million seedlings were delivered in 2018 in Sweden, which is an increase of 2% compared to 2017, according to the latest survey of the Swedish Forest Agency.


Swedish Forest Agency: Production of Scots pine seedlings increased by 8% in 2018

The production of Scots pine increased by almost 8% in 2018 compared to the previous year. In total 384 million seedlings were delivered in 2018 in Sweden, which is an increase of 2% compared to 2017, according to the latest survey of the Swedish Forest Agency.

The most common tree species are Norway spruce, which constitutes for 51% of the production. Scots pine accounts for 46% of the production and other tree species production for 4%. The production of Lodgepole pine seedlings has been more than halved since 2012 – from 18 million seedlings to just below 7 million. Production of other coniferous species than Scots pine, Norway spruce and Lodgepole pine has increased to about 5.5 million. Seedlings of deciduous trees has a very small share of the production.

Rooted planting material is the dominant production method with 82% of the production. Bare-rooted is 18%, while the remaining production is virtually nonexistent. Bare-rooted seedlings are primarily used for Norway spruce, other conifers and deciduous trees.

Most of the origin of seedlings comes from Swedish plantations or Swedish forest stands, a total of about 80%, which is a decrease by 8% compared to 2017.