Silvicultural activities in 2017 show a continued high activity in silviculture in Swedish forestry. Precommercial thinning is thill the activity in silviculture that individual owners carry out to the greatest extent.


Swedish Forest Agency: Silvicultural activities show a continued high activity in 2017

Silvicultural activities in 2017 show a continued high activity in silviculture in Swedish forestry. Precommercial thinning is thill the activity in silviculture that individual owners carry out to the greatest extent, as the Swedish Forest Agency reported.

Area in precommercial thinning was 400,000 hectares in 2017. Over a three-year period most of the pre-commercial thinning was performed on private forest owners land 290,000 hectares on average.

Scarification was carried out on 152,000 hectares of forest. This is somewhat less than the 10-year average of previous years (170,000). The total area of planting and sowing for 2017 is estimated to have been 179,000 hectares in 2017.

Area regenerated with lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta, was some 3,000 hectares in 2017.